Justin Baas


Justin Baas

If you were flying into or out of John Wayne airport a couple weeks back you may of seen something unexpected out the side window, located right on the tarmac, adjacent to the runway was a large gathering of some of the best hot rods and customs so-cal has to offer. Curated by Bobby Green and presented by the Lyon Air Museum the blacktop was loaded down with great rides mixed with a handful of vintage bombers and fighters to help set the mood. Inside the museum even more great stuff, ww2 displays, vintage flight equipment, and probably the greatest gathering of belly tanks anyone has seen since Bill Burke made them popular 70+ years ago, the tanks will be on display in the museum through September 5th with the group called “ war surplus on wheels “ if you’re taking a flight out of John Wayne and have some time to spare or just want to check out some great history be sure to check out the museum at 19300 Ike Jones rd. Santa Ana. Check out their site https://lyonairmuseum.org/ for more info, in the meantime here’s some shots from a quick walk through the show.