By Tim Sutton
Well If you don't know H&H well your probably living under a rock
and getting a ton of stuff done. They have become the source for
flathead building for a ton of folk out there building their dreamers.
Even if you had yours built somewhere else you'll probably be
dealing with mike at some point. He makes it to tons of shows
across the United States and shows people just what he does and
has. One of which is probably the largest selection of new heads
and intakes and bolt on goodies for your hotrod. His flagship the
Navarro Brand heads and intake are still even casted in the same
foundry as when Barney was doing it . I have had the chance to
see the place its an amazing process. Maybe we can get a
glimpse of it in another installment.
But for now I offer this . Mike and H&H just acquired the patterns
and tooling for Sharp heads and intake. They are offering the 21
stud heads. a little something to give you the much needed umph
in that old flatty of yours. Along with the heads he is jamming out
a new 3x2 and 2x2 intake bearing the sharp name.
A ton is going on over in Mikes camp right now . He probably had
the market cornered on lincoln V-12 speed parts and is working
on something that has never been done before. All I can say is
start collecting Lincoln V-12's.
And if enough wasn't enough I got to catch up with the Tony
Thacker helping out doing a new book with H&H on how to build a
flathead. Whew busy day sweating in La Canada.