Recently something special happened in Riverside California, calls were made, texts were sent, and a few small mentions on social media and the rumor mill went to town. There was going to be a dirt track race, a small gathering on private property orchestrated by Hudson Joe Buffardi and property owners-Rick sr., Rick jr., Yvette and the rest of the Swanson family who had talked about something like this for years. A little help from friends Tyler Virga, Stacie Depner, Johnny Carrillo, Daisy Janes, Johnny Martinez and Jesse Hernandez made it all come together. March 24th was the perfect day as the property will be getting listed for sale and this turned out to be one hell of a moving party.
Participants were all friends, with about 15 cars making laps all day. Standouts were Riverside Johnny and Jesse Hernandez in their A roadsters, Dave Roach in his T modified, and Bobby Green in his Mines Field style model 40 roadster, those 4 made more laps than everyone else combined and were hitting the corners of the dirt oval faster with each pass. All the drivers would take some laps then cool off, wonder the car show area or eat some great lunch provided by the hosts than return to the track to see if they could improve their pace.
This was such a blast that there’s already a discussion going on when/where the next one will be, so get your stuff tuned up cause it’s the beginning of racing season and looks like there maybe a new event to plan for soon.
words/pictures : Justin Baas