Romo 2017

Romo Motor Festival
Words and Pics By James Mitchel UK
If there is one word that I came away with from attending the Romo Motor festival, one word that resonated with me throughout the event, it is enthusiasm. This isn't Wildwood New Jersey, neither is it Pendine Sands, what it is ,is its own unique variation on a theme. That theme in this instance stays true to the ethos of having as much fun as possible. Fun. No pretence, no clique, no bullshit fun. The racing flows in quick succession, a wave of continual head to head between four wheels or two. The spectators line the beach, the dunes, enthused by each battle that they witness over the short distance set up before them on the beach.
It isn't a hotrod event, it isn't a motorcycle event, it is quite simply a celebration of speed, of racing, of petrol burning, tyre spinning, noise filled sand flinging fun. An honorable nod to the history of nearby land speed attempts at Fano thwarted by a lost front tyre and the
respect paid to the resultant saddening death of an innocent young spectator. The inclusion of the rule that everyone inside of the pit and racing area are to be dressed period correct makes for an intriguing one, since the period/genre as such is expansive, the styles encompassed much
varied, and the sense of theatre bordering on comedic is not lost in its intended visual and heart felt sincerity. My choice of cap however could only ever be comedic upon my bonce.
Damp conditions did not and could not dampen the Danes determination for fun. Twelve kilometre long queues to reach the beach, entrants long travelled
from Scandinavia, France, Germany, England. For me none of this would of happened if it hadn't of been for a random Instagram message from Craig Callum, the owner and driver of Old Red. For that message and his resultant hospitality, kindness and generosity of spirit I am truly grateful.
Words enough, we came for pictures.